We imagine strong walls will protect us from the feeling….
I have never seen
This much infernal earth
Still get lauded
as hallowed ground
Can’t you feel it?
Souls scream out from the ground here
An amalgamation of history and horror stories
Whisper on the wind
Our food grows in fields
messy with the matter of the wronged
Perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself
Perhaps such ghosts walk all over the world
But I can only speak for this backward
For the back roads I have driven down
And the cities
that have sent shivers down my spine
There is something very wrong here
In every neighborhood and
In every side street
And back alley
Can’t you feel it?
The unanswered questions
and unhonored past
sends up its hum
Every time the sun rises
On a day we continue to ignore it
I just know
The ancestors shake their heads
We are afraid of it
We shut ourselves up tight in homes
We imagine strong walls
Will protect us from the feeling
Atira C. © 2020. All rights reserved.