
Oct 22, 2020


Brief Bits of Thought

via Guilherme Stecanella for Unsplash

I was reminded today that black woman
And grieving woman
are not synonyms

-Protect Your Joy

Can you stomach me now?
Can you witness me now?
If I kiss
Will you approve?
If I love
Will it scorch you?

-I need to know you can stand this

I see soldiers
panthers prowling
But be careful now.
There are snakes in the house
And wolves in the street

-Watch your back

I feel stuck in this year
Caught in it
Surrounded by it
Like a cocoon
When does it end?
How does it end?

-There are no more predictions

For awhile
I will try to write about joy
Not because this time deserves it
but because I do

-Coming back

Atira C. © 2020. All rights reserved.




Written by Azzy

@azeertheweaver on Instagram. Black. Queer. Observational Poet. 20 rotations around the sun

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