Left Behind

2 min readAug 21, 2020


A Self Call-Out

via Houcine Ncib for Unsplash

You look for love

In all the wrong places

Run to houses and

Hole in the walls

And hostile territory

Soul searching

in woods your people were never meant to trek

Chasing beings that do not speak your language

I just want to hold you

and tell you that there are others searching for your light

You’re hungry

Starved of this love the world boasts about

Hopping from prospect to prospect

trying to control your appetite

Trying to not be a parasite

Pestilence and plague

Funny how a gift to the world

can feel like a disease

You’re far too cryptic

A thing people track sightings of

It’s blinding to look at you

It hurts you to be looked at

At night you get on your knees and pray

that all the wrong people will love you

Then shun

And run away from those who truly need you

And before you even realize it

you’re left bare

No one you know can hold you

You spill out of their hands

You move between their fingers like vapor

You try


Over and over again to fit

but contorting will not save you

You’re alone

Because for all the hoping

And gazing

All the times you tried to move the universe on your own

Even though you dreamed so hard

you thought you bent time

The pressure is not on the infinite

It is on you

Why won’t you begin inside?

Why won’t you lick your wounds and learn a lesson?

Power is born from you

Not from reaching out

and trying to fill your belly with emptiness

and shallow affection

It’s some sort of addiction you have, I guess

To being left behind

Atira C. © 2020. All rights reserved.




Written by Azzy

@azeertheweaver on Instagram. Black. Queer. Observational Poet. 20 rotations around the sun

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