Black Lives Matter
In the morning I wake in a cold sweat
I have become sickly ravenous
When I turn on my static box
I ingest more and more
white noise
I’m sinking deeper and deeper into a soft trap
I was not made for this distress
The judge’s robes flow
Like black water
And yet never as dark as me
Hammer comes down,
mighty as a thundercrack
To split mother’s hearts open
The people fall apart at it’s sound
How can I move in a world
Where my body is a crime
Where the infernal ground screams for justice
Where I try and try to run but
I cannot escape the drumbeat sound
In my own heart
At the end when we are all taken into account
What will we say?
How did we answer
Inky colored voices screaming
Did we shut our eyes?
I am only a child
Not yet strong enough to breathe here
Now my greenhorn
Untested lungs must be megaphones
I am unready and yet
there is no time
Everything must happen now
All of us
Atira C. © 2020. All rights reserved.