So cerebral
We spend hours charting our own nature
Dissecting our own future
Sometimes stumbling
like Atlas under the weight of it
So emotional
We spend days trying to
Piece ourselves together
From stuttering memories
and half-wit lessons
So brave
We claw our way out
of our own destruction
Then reach a hand back
to help who’s behind us
-My People
I want us
To let generational curses break gloriously
over our heads
I want us
to run like fire spreading
to eat up all the dark
we were left to fend in
-We Will Win
We’re just teenagers
Healing each other
Together with unskilled hands
We untested doctors
We greenhorn inbetweeners
Stitching up each other’s hearts
If you offer it
We will accept your hand
Leave us to our own miracles
Go ahead and close your eyes
We will still be here
The mistakes you refuse to admit
The past that hunts you down
-We are your children
Atira C. © 2020. All rights reserved.